Why toss out old jeans? Transform them into a cute skirt instead! How to make a jean skirt out of jeans?

How to make a jean skirt out of jeans?

As long as the jeans fits you at the waist you can transform it. So how to make a jean skirt out of jeans?

Creating a Mini skirt

Trim the pants to your desired skirt length. Smart tip: Consider making it slightly longer than initially planned for versatility.

For a hemmed skirt

For a hemmed skirt, cut it 1½ inches (3.81 cm) longer than your desired length. Perfect for a tailored finish!

Cutting the inner seam

Slice along the inseam, as close to the seam as possible, including the crotch. The pants will open up, resembling a skirt.

Ensuring a smooth overlap

Open up front and back seams to lay flat. Trim along the crotch curve by 1-3 inches, ensuring a smooth overlap.


Use matching thread in your sewing machine. Topstitch the front, starting from the top (former crotch) to the bottom. Repeat for the back.

Creating a Midi skirt

Split the inside seam by cutting from the bottom of one cuff up to the crotch and then down to the other cuff.

Trimming the back seam

Trim the back seam until the curved part ends, usually 2 to 3 inches (5.08 to 7.62 cm). Overlap edges for a smooth finish.

Stitching the skirt

Overlap and sew front/back crotch seams, smooth them down, topstitch with matching thread, following the original stitching, trim excess fabric.

Cutting off the legs

Trim pants to desired skirt length, avoiding cutting beyond halfway down the leg to ensure enough fabric for any alterations.

Tucking in the legs

Insert one pant leg into the jeans, revealing the cut edges. Pin it in place. Repeat for the back with the other leg.

Topstitching the panels

Secure panels by topstitching. Sew ½ inch (1.27 cm) away from the raw, cut edge for a polished finish.

Ready to wear

Flip jeans inside out, trim excess fabric, leaving a ½-inch (1.27 cm) seam allowance for a neat and tidy finish.

Find out what to pair with long black skirt.

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