Pakistan’s First Ever Fashion Museum, showcasing Pakistan’s best fashion designs

Three top Pakistani fashion figures, Frieha Altaf, Nabila Maqsood, and Fifi Haroon, unite for Pakistan’s first fashion museum.

Pakistan’s first fashion museum Set to Debut in 2023-2024

Museum launch planned for Winter/Spring 2023-2024. Mark your calendar for the exciting debut of Pakistan’s first fashion museum!

Exhibition and Gala Event Unveiling Rich Heritage

The aim of the museum is to show off Pakistan’s creative history with an exhibition and fancy event. It’s a big deal, and everyone’s invited!

75 Years of Style Evolution Unveiled

Pakistan’s first fashion museum, leading initiative, will showcase a 75-year fashion collection, highlighting the nation’s style evolution. A cultural milestone in the making.

UNESCO Site Hosts Pioneering Fashion Event

The event is set to unfold at a UNESCO World Heritage site in Pakistan, creating a culturally vibrant atmosphere.

Trio Unveils Plans for the Muse Gala and Exhibition

Trio shares project excitement on Instagram, revealing plans for The Muse Gala and exhibition. Stay tuned for fashion greatness!

Designers & Celeb Muses Unite

Annual event will designers and celebrity muses for a stunning showcase of fashion innovation and imagination, promising a captivating display.

Pakistani Fashion Icons Honored

Announcement video honors Frieha Altaf, Nabila Maqsood, and Fifi Haroon for their lifelong dedication to elevating Pakistani fashion globally.

Dual Lifeline

Venture dubbed “two lifelines” for Pakistani fashion, fostering creativity, innovation, and excitement to breathe new life into the industry.

Global Debut

Bringing Pakistani fashion to the world by creating the first fashion museum in a UNESCO site, expanding the style globally.


The debut of the Pakistan Fashion Museum and its gala signifies a crucial step in safeguarding and promoting the nation’s fashion heritage.

Fashion Collaboration

This endeavor creates a space for designers and celebrities to unite, collaborating on a platform to showcase unbridled fashion fantasies and creativity.

learn about some of the best Pakistani fashion designers here

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